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Saturday, June 25, 2011
Color Connection #3-The 3rd ROSE!
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Thursday, June 23, 2011
Walgreens Brand Health and Wellness Product!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.
When it comes to health and wellness, Walgreens Brand Health and Wellness Product are the most effective yet affordable. Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products helps individuals and even families to save money for it contains the same active ingredients as other national brands yet its budgets friendly. With the rising costs of health care nowadays, saving money from over- the- counter medications can really helps our budget.
They have lots of products for our families' health care! One I tried that made me excited more about them is the Walgreens original eye drops, shared by my friend. So effective on our eyes redness or allergy. We have so sensitive eyes so I think finding this was a blessing as to slip buying expensive eye treatment. Moreover, every purchase of these products supports bringing preventive supports services to local communities through Walgreens Way to Well Fund™. They provide free preventive health tests as well as other health and wellness services and even education to local communities!
Hurry now and check them out! They have lots of on going giveaways and several bloggers are giving away some Walgreens Gift Cards! Check it out at It's easy to get their products and more helpful on our budgets. Why pay more when we there's Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Horse Riding!
Angelikka love to ride horse and she's enjoying it everytime she have a chance to go with her cousin who's in school of horse riding because she can try eveytime. But the term was finished last year so it's been a while she was not able to ride.
But finally she got a chance once again during National day here in Sweden. When we visits the animals in the forest they gave a chance for children to ride horse one lap for each one. And she was so happy and enjoyed it! I know one of these days, she will asked us that she wants to go to school on horse riding :)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Colorful Day!
It was so colorful, from the cake to the gifts connects the color of my princess dress made by my lola:) It was a colorful birthday though I was so tired from our travel from Sweden to Philippines;)

Monday, June 13, 2011
Green little Laikka
Laikka was just one and six months old that time! Isn't she cute? With matching hair clip like a long hair since sha had no hair or very few hair then. Link this to green monday!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Swedish flag color!
pretty flag color butterfly |

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Beautiful Laikka!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Closing Program!
It started with a contest, a walk to the forest and answering questions hanging on the tree and it ends up to their room. In their room they show us exibits done by the students and really glad seeing my girl's work there. Then, we were asked to assemble outside for a snack with coffee and hotdog bread and there we were given time to talk with co-parents, socializing.
trying to answer and win the contest..hehe |
learning different shapes |
shapes lesson |
snack time |