Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Instant Presentation!
But then to my surprise! Alas, she get mingled easily with other children upon our arrival, which surely not her type to do , well as far as I know the attitude of my girl. I was wrong. She really find her way so great!
And moreover, together with other children, they had an instant presentation through dancing in front while there was a band group singing. Like they were dancing the tune of the band! Yes, instantly! they never had it practise or planned.
I was happy seeing her grow so much even her social area. Good job "Ate" Laikka:) HUgs and Kisses! I'm so proud of you! /Mama
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
She can finally call it her own!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Got new shoes for rainy season!
I don't want her to be like what its gonna seems to happen , but I don't want either for her to be behind from others and feel pity for herself. I had my ideals how to brought my children up but its getting hard to implement as I thought.
Last week she mentions to me what she needs to have, and so I told her we gonna buy it on the weekends since I understand that she really needs what she wanted. So last sunday, she reminded us and made us wet shopping. She have what she needs, the rain boots but when we were in the store she found a hello kitty shoes and want it too. Well, she was lucky since the store have a promotion that if we buy 3 we will only pay two. I also bought winter shoes for her little sister so she got the hello kitty shoes for free.
Then on monday when I dropped her in school with the new shoes on her and brought with her her new rain boots, the school needs it there, I can see them showing each other whats new on them. Well, they sounds funny!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Her new style "peace" sign!
She's a little fashionista and have great imaginations about who she is and who she can be. Everytime she saw something in TV that attracts her, she tend to copy it:)
She got this new style when taking pictures, a "peace sign". As usual, she poses nicely but this time she gets better and better. She's only 5 years old but she already stands high as my shoulder.
Dear Laikka,
Sometimes, I know you feel like you are taken behind by mamma because of your little sister . But you are indeed doing so great "anak". You even helping me taking care of her and helping me in our daily chores. I want to tell you that me and your pappa are so proud of you! You are so loved by us as well as your sister. Thank you for being a great daughter to us. God loves you so do I:)
Love, Mamma
Monday, April 9, 2012
A tooth falls off:)
My big girl was so excited last week when she felt that her teeth was ready to fall off. She told everyone like her teacher in school and classmates and grandma, grandpa, everyone near to her. And the best thing was she was so proud about it! Then today so early in the morning, we were still sleeping, she woke me up and said, "mamma, my tooth fell off already" and she was so happy and proud! Congratulations my baby! You're now certified grown up girl!Way to go!
Monday, March 19, 2012
She got new set of winter pieces!
It's almost spring, good that we went there before summer, otherwise it couldn't be used. It fits perfectly on her . It even fitted to her dress that day from the party. These sets are special since those are personaly knitted by my husband's friend's mother. These were made for their only daughter which is a young lady now so they thought Laikka could have it!
Doesn't she look pretty on them? :)
Friday, March 16, 2012
Angel Faith!
We were not there but I know she was so happy and many children were happy celebrating with her on her special day! Again Happy Birthday Angel Faith! May the Lord will continue keep an eye on you as you grow with Him as your God! Continue to give your parent's pride for being smart and wonderful kid! All our love, also from your cousins here Laikka and Erika! Godbless!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Manequin?
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Laikka and the Snow!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Walgreens for the whole family's health!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
My family are indeed using Walgreens products. Simply because their products are basic to family needs specially for health care. For my children, for my husband and for me , for our personal care, they can take care of it and so affordable! Now, here's a good news ; Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens has special offer for you and me. I'm so excited upon hearing it and can't wait sharing it with you. Who don't want to be in a club where you can save, right? We loose nothing since we are buying their products for our daily needs but in this, we can save more!
Now what am I talking about? They are offering an annual membership for only $10 a year and this is already a whole family membership. Yes, you heard me right! From your children 22 years old and under to your spouse, all your immediate family will automatically be a member and therefore will be also entitled to member's benefits like big savings and discounts on all prescription medicines, brand-name or generics, member's bonuses, and other services. To keep you updated, follow Walgreens on Twitter and hit like Walgreens on Facebook . You don't want to miss a thing. Check them out now and avail their great offers! For singles, of course you too can be a member for only $5 a year! Yeah great!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
My Swedish Girl!

Now as she grow older, though her hair became more darker than before, still she's my swedish girl. And perfectly enough when we recieved the swedish national costume and when she tried it on her, I was speechless! She's simply so cute and looks really pretty on it! It fits exactly on her now so by June on Swedish National Day, this dress would no longer fit her. So I'm planning to let my mother sew a little more bigger. Hopefully she can visit us here before summer!
Love you my child!