Big dogs are not usual to me. I love dogs in Philippines, and I infact grew up having dogs in the family. And so when my husband said that his family have dogs I was not scared at all but was excited instead. But then when I saw them in person..waaaah! Big dogs..and even how my husband said they are so lame and wonderful dogs still I was so hesitant to be near them.
When I was pregnant with Laikka, we visited a friend in Stockholm who have dogs, big dogs and really so hospitable..hahah, what I mean is they (dogs) will meet you at the door like welcoming you but then I was not ready about it. When this big dark brown dog stood up and like hugging me, my fear really was unexplainable! Like I screamed and felt like my spirit flew! I don't know but so strange that when laikka was still a baby, she already noticed to be afraid

of dogs. Everytime we visit my inlaws, she'll cry and her eyes so big everytime she saw dogs specially when they bark! But she loves cats! Everytime she saw a cat she become so happy and excited. So, when we went to my husband's sister's house where they have only cats..two big cats and we found out angelikka was delighted and not afraid hugging them. Their hair were so thick and soft, good they have no
cat fleas otherwise it will be hard and dangerous to children. Pet fleas are not only disturbing to our dear pets but also to us, It can cause itchiness and uh,uh..hard!
Until now, she's not into dogs yet but we tried to let her feel that dogs are not harmful! They can be her friends and playmates:) In the other hand, she just adore cats. She loves cartoon characters that are cats like hello kitty and garlfield. She loves her clothes that have cat printed on it!