Back to school again and we recieves all her stuff and crafts they did in school during easter week. I'm so proud that she already can do many things:)
the crafts she did in school on easter week
nice easter stuff they do in school
she recieves easter eggs full of candies wih money:)
easter sunday, painting and decorating eggs
the egg with name angelikka..she wrote it..nice penmanship
She was really enjoying during the easter holiday. She had some fun and recieves lots of candies and chocolates. Godbless all!
I realize that my children has lots of green colors and even me since this color is my favorite next to orange. It means 'life' for me. And the room of my little girl have actually a green motif:) But I will not share it now..maybe next time because I decided to post this tarsier, so green eyes with the green plants background as my first entry.
so green eyes:) tarsier
I love this pics taken by my husband when we visited tarsier place in bohol Philippines during our visit. As we know that that tarsier is the smallest primate on earth so it's so interesting to see them!
Yeey, been waiting this caravan to ramp again and now at it's new home! Hope to see you guys and am so excited to meet new friends!
Lara Angelikka is already a two year old blog almost but been off for almost a year. There are many old links that are already dead..So now I'm updating this site and welcoming new followers and new friends! See you guys in a minute!
Happy Easter here in "Mommy Moments". It's rainbow color this week which I think perfect since children are recieving colorful goodies or candies these days. But here I'll share some things of my children that are colorful or have different colors.
Erika's filt have many color and she enjoy looking at it everytime I used it on her. And below are Laikka's colorful art:)
enjoying the colorful dots
Erika's colorful filt
my artist, doing whatever on different colors
She has her own interpretation about what she's doing. It looks something else in our eyes but she has stories on every paper and color on it.
Wow! been a while since my last post. Well, I'm not really feeling good. I'm into many things. Thinking so much made me sick. As I've said at 'My Mestizas' blog, we were examined, the whole family in relation with my little one's sickness so quite hard in my part as a mother.
There was just a situation that made me laugh about the big girl Liakka when we were visiting the doctor. Everytime we're on elevator she should be the one to click the button where we're going. Since she already knows numbers 1-10 at least so just say it and she'll do the rest. When we're going down she was instructed to push the E- Entrance and its a green button.
Take note: (swedish lesson for a moment:) ) Entrance in swedish is *Entre One is *en two is två three is 'tre.'en' also means 'a' or 'an'
She ask where we're going now papa? What number I'm going to push? Her father said " push entre"which he means the entrance button, and she right away and happily push the number 3 button..because she understand it as ' a number three'. We laugh at her and said no,no, the green button the entrance button. And she was mad at us, why we laugh, we were wrong she's right because she's asking what number hehhe..get it?? Haay for everything we've been through that day at least she gave me a good laugh and showed us how clever she is.
Birthday photos in 'Mommy Moments' this week. I will just share Laikka's 4rth birthday photos because she had celebrated it twice. Here in Sweden and in Philippines:)
celebration in Sweden
here cake in pinas
her big tarpuline:)-pinas
We were about to have our vacation to Philippines when Angelikka celebrated her 4rth birthday here in Sweden since her birthday falls December 3 and we had our trip December 1. So we had an advance party with her family (my husbands side) here. While my family in pinas already prepared everything, from the balloons, cake, clowns and tarpuline because we arrived 2 then in the next day became her big day. It was memorable because we can have all these fun things affordable:) Here is so expensive:)
Finally I found the nice and perferct design for my daughter's blog Lara Angelikka. So far, I so love, love it!
It's fuchia pink, has flowers which I love;), perfect size-not so wide header and over all I don't like it but love it!
Thanks to my friend JennyH for sharing and helping me where to find free layouts and easy to put html's. Good day to all though it's rainy here:I That's spring anyway! Godbless!
We as a family took a walk around because of the best weather so far this season:) And as usual Angelikka brought her hello kitty scooter because she thought we just go on fine roads around. But then, it was quite many people outside today, some with their moped and some with strollers like us and bikes . So we decided to get in to the forest. There are many who run and jog anyway so not so scary:)
on the go
Angelikka was thinking if she can still ride her scooter since its not cemented in the forest. But then as you can see in the picture, she was enjoying anyway! And it was safer for her there to bike than outside:) It was fun for her to explore inside the forest with her bike anyway! Good training!
We have many plans on summer and obviously we are so excited what ever comes into reality:) Well, this weeks topic here in Mommy Moments is about our summer plans.
collecting stones at the beach:)
We had a blasts last summer as in we tour many places in europe:) and since we have a new member of the family this coming summer, we are planning to visit places which are baby friendly:) Here are some of the plans:
= Enroll Laikka on swimming lesson.
= Swimming at nearby swimming pools and beaches
= Visit grandma's house wagon at nearby camping
= Visit amusement park and gardens
= Going out with new mommies with our strollers -picnics on parks
= Road trip again to our friend in Germany then Italy:)
So exciting! And my girl always asking when it will be, she mean when will summer comes:) I hope we will have a blast too this summer!
Angelikka loves stickers. During her birthday celebration in Philippines, there was a game for children which many stuff like toys, candies, and more stuffs hanging and all children must get one in contest from each other who can pick the best. But before hand, the birthday celebrator must first pick one for her own, and guess what my girl picked even there are more nice things there?? yes, the stickers:) Maybe the colors, designs and styles on it captivate her attention and entertained by it. I think, children in general is like that so it is important to maker or seller that those things are attactive to children.
The same way with cards and postcards. It should be attractive to the eyes not only to children but of course to adults. And not only nice and glittery but also, it must tell something informative and will make feelings happy and loved. Like it is usually when people have vacations to other places, they needs postcards about that place, views and historical places on the place where they are in to send to their family and friends back home. Thats what we do when we are traveling to places not ours. And in the same way yes, we recieved different postcards too from our friends and its so good to feel and even make us interested on that place! And even want to go and explore to the said place.
Want something more about postcards, stickers, calendars, and the like? Visit this online marketing which I think they have the best when it comes to these stuff. They have a lot more that can help you in terms of exciting colorful and costumized postcards and more!
Angelikka's winter warm boots is already a little small on her, it still fits but no longer that comfortable. She's growing fast now, normal on her age. She's already complaining to me about it but since summer is near, and they will not use it anyway so soon. They have to change into summer foot wear. And so, I promised her to buy a new one when summer comes. And she understand about it.
Lately, since we already have warmer weather, some of the children in school wears already their summer school shoes specially when its new. So my little girl now bagging me about her new shoes and that she needs it already and she don't want her warm shoes:) Well, got no problem about it cause I found this site thats perfect for girls like mine. I am saying about her being so demanding nowadays, she already knows what she wants. So she must be the one to choose what she likes otherwise, trouble!
This site has different kinds of chilren foot wear like girls shoes, girls sandals, canvas shoes and more! The good thing is Angelikka can just point out and choose what she want just right there on the screen at home. She had fun looking and maybe got a hard time choosing because every one are pretty sandals, pretty shoes and really girly. She wants me to buy everything..hehe. Anyway, she had chose a nice one which I agree that its pretty for her too. Check it out mommies and I'm sure you will be delighted to see their products!
Check this informative video! I commented as tejan35.
It was my little girl Erika's 6months old yesterday and we did a little celebration at home so I was not able to do my 'yummy sunday' . But it's better late than never:) I decided to put this entry here since Angelikka love this Pizza, as in extra large pizza:) This was last sunday after church, we decided to have dinner..yeah you heard it right, pizza is already a hard meal for the swedish people:) . We were hungry so we dropped by at our favorite pizza house to have dinner there.
That pizza is only good for one for swedish people but for us, it can handle 12person as snacks..and if its a meal can be three's really big and infairness..yummy!
The topic in Mommy Moments is "CONGRATULATIONS". This is a tribute for all mommies that have children who made it again this year since its closing time these past days.
My great congratulations to all mommies and of course children who has made it the whole year on their studies. Some maybe graduated with flying colours and some just finished the whole year and looking forward for the next year. Every students deserves our congratulations as well as the mothers whose been supporting them all the way!
during graduation
Since we have different time of recognition day here in Sweden, my girl still fighting ..hehe in going to school. But I am still happy about her accomplishment everyday. She already knows how to write her full name:)
So, today as my entry on 'MM', I will be featuring my son in heart Zion Dhel Barro. He just graduated last week in his elementary years. Wow how time passed just like that. he call me 'nanay' and thats so sweet. I experienced my first motherhood on him:) And look at him now..waaah!
with his mother Sharon
He is the son of my sister (in heart) Sharon, and I can feel how happy and proud she has been. Oh, mothers I know feels more than conquerors on how far their children been gone.
So,' nak' ZD and Sharon, my congratulations to both of you and the whole family. I love you and I always misses you! mwaah!
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