Birthday photos in
'Mommy Moments' this week. I will just share Laikka's 4rth birthday photos because she had celebrated it twice. Here in Sweden and in Philippines:)
celebration in Sweden |
here cake in pinas |
her big tarpuline:)-pinas |
We were about to have our vacation to Philippines when Angelikka celebrated her 4rth birthday here in Sweden since her birthday falls December 3 and we had our trip December 1. So we had an advance party with her family (my husbands side) here. While my family in pinas already prepared everything, from the balloons, cake, clowns and tarpuline because we arrived 2 then in the next day became her big day. It was memorable because we can have all these fun things affordable:) Here is so expensive:)
Happy Mommy Moments to all mommies!
my son also celebrates his bday on dec. 3 :D my mommy moments
wow! double celebrations! i'm sure mas enjoy ang party sa Pinas! there's no place like home! visiting your MM entry! hope you can drop by mine too!
Wow! Jona..really..heh, so they have the same birthday:)
Yes sis Pinx.. pinas celebration was more enjoy:) see yah in a while:)
Precious celebration, ang puti ni laikka ano sis!
Take a peek of Our Birthdays at my page. Have a nice weekend!
Lovely photos you have! Belated Happy Birthday Chris! It does look he's happy with his cake even without a big party! My entry is up. Happy MM! Thanks!
Wow, Laikka had two birthday celebrations for her 4th birthday- one in Sweden and another one in the Philippines. She is really a blessed child loved from both sides of the continent. Your trip to the Philippines became more memorable for all of you because of her grand birthday celebration there. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.
She looks like a littel angel. I hope she enjoyed both.
The two cakes are very different sizes. =)
Wow, double bday celebration. hat's a fantastic idea sis. :) My Mommy Moments Hope you can visit mine too.
she is so pretty Mommy Jan..
Came in late for Mommy Moments here’s My MM
wow, lucky girl...double birthday celebration! i'm sure she enjoyed her party in phils and in sweden as well! btw, followed you, hope you can follow me back...thank you! have a great weekend! -PinayMum - Mommy's Life Around...
wow! that was such a happy birthday! love the cake, lol!
Your daughter is so pretty! I also sometimes think my daughter is my "boss". hehe... I love the cake too..looks yummy.
here's my late MM entry
dako jud ug cake pag sa pinas mag celebrate tjan no? hehehehe....kalami sa cake...yum!
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